Denny Burk

What is the Meaning of Sex


Sex was created by God for his glory. With clarity and compassion, this book sets forth the Bible’s teaching on sexuality from a complementarian perspective, dealing with controversial issues such as homosexuality and polygamy.


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What is the meaning of sex?

Sex. We live in a world that loves it without understanding it. This book clearly explains the truth about sex and winsomely responds to society’s evolving views on human sexuality and gender. From marriage to birth control, homosexuality to singleness, What is the Meaning of Sex? sets forth a distinctly Christian perspective, equipping you to engage our confused culture with a God-glorifying vision of human sexuality.


1. Glorify God With Your Body
2. Glorify God With Your Hermeneutic
3. Glorify God With Your Marriage
4. Glorify God With Your Conjugal Union
5. Glorify God With Your Family Planning
6. Glorify God With Your Gender
7. Glorify God With Your Sexuality
8. Glorify God With Your Singleness

General Index
Scripture Index

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