Paul Washer escorts readers through a biblical overview of the good news about Jesus. Presenting passage after passage from the Bible, Washer describes the holy character of God, the human problem of sin, and the divine solution found in Jesus’s redemptive life, death, and resurrection for all who repent and believe. If you are interested in knowing the basic claims of the gospel or know someone exploring the truths of Christ, this succinct treatment of the greatest news the world has ever heard is just what you need.
“Nothing is more beautiful than the gospel, the good news that God saves sinners through Jesus Christ. Nothing is more damning than a false gospel. With the Word of God constantly in view, Paul Washer leads us step by step to know the truth about who God is, who we are, and how we may live with God now and forever. This booklet is medicine for the sinner and food for the saint.” — Dr. Joel R. Beeke, president, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Paul Washer explains the biblical gospel in a simple,solid and clearly..taking each detail of what we as Christians believe.This book is beneficial not only for the lost but those who still have questions, or those who need guidance on how to preach the whole Gospel.
Thank Alethia publications for sending us this booklets..As i read through the book was really blessed to test and see oneself..and to grow in faith.
Imlimeren Yaden.
Member of Dimapur Reformed Baptist Church.
In “The Gospel of Jesus Christ”, Paul washer nails it in few pages the centrality of the message of Christianity without compromising on God’s character.
And he did it with a pastoral heart.
It reminds us who God is, and who we are, and our need of the Gospel.
This powerful small book is very relevant in today’s generation where Gospel message has often been sidelined even in so called mainline Evangelical Protestant Churches and has been replaced with pragmatism.
It is indeed a reminder to all of us that we need to hear Gospel every day, and it is meant for every stage in believers life.
I heartily encourage everyone to purchase this book in bulk and distribute it to near ones, and also keep a copy in their own shelf.
Thank you so much Alethia Publications 🤍
In Christ
Inaka Awomi