Translation Services
Today, we take it for granted that we can read the Bible in our own language. Centuries ago, this was not possible. But men such as Martin Luther and William Tyndale changed that by translating the Bible into the language of the common people. Their desire to see people set free, by the truth of God’s Word, helped spark the Protest Reformation and led to one of the greatest periods of human achievement the world has ever known. As people were released from spiritual bondage, society changed. Science advanced, economies flourished, literacy improved, political freedom – and all of this because ordinary people could read and understand the Scriptures and realize the teaching of God’s Word in their lives.
ALETHIA Publications shares that same passion. We are committed to helping people in India understand the Word of God, in their own language, so that they will be set free from the slavery of sin, and equipped in order to help with the very important task of fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission.
Acts 2:11 “…we hear them speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.”
There are over 4000 unreached people groups in the world – and 2027 of them are in India. Right now, India is the most unreached nation in the world. The reason it is unreached is because these people groups have not had an opportunity to read the scriptures or hear the gospel in their own ‘heart language’.
Partner with us to help others hear the “wonderful works of God”. Please contact us if you have any literature or Christian resource you would liked translated and published.
Publishing Services
ALETHIA is the Greek word for truth. Our greatest burden is to provide sound biblical literature to as many people as we can on the Indian subcontinent, to help people grow in truth & righteousness. ALETHIA Publications seeks to distribute biblical truth through the written word.
ALETHIA Publications welcomes your proposal for publishing books related to any aspect of Christian Studies. If you have a Manuscript readily available or likely to be available soon for publishing, please feel free to contact us for a free quotation.
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