Paul Washer

Knowing the Living God – हिन्दी


हिन्दी – Knowing the Living God is the first workbook in Paul David Washer’s Biblical Foundations for the Christian Faith series of Bible studies by Alethia Publications (licensed by Media Gratiae). This workbook can be used as a 13-week study for individuals, families, Sunday school classes, small groups, and churches.


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हिन्दी – Knowing the Living God: Biblical Foundations, is the first workbook in Paul David Washer’s Biblical Foundations for the Christian Faith series of Bible Studies. This workbook can be used as a 13-week study for individuals, families, Sunday school classes, small groups, and churches.

Only the truths of Scripture, understood with the mind and communicated through doctrine, can provide that sure foundation upon which we should establish our beliefs and our behavior and determine the validity of our emotions and experiences. The study of doctrine is both an intellectual and devotional discipline. It is a passionate search for God that should always lead the student to greater personal transformation, obedience, and heartfelt worship.

The great goal of this study is for the student to have an encounter with God through His Word. Founded upon the conviction that Scripture is the inspired and infallible Word of God, this book has been designed in such a way that the student is strongly encouraged to have an open Bible before him or her.

Additional information

Weight 659 g
Dimensions 28.2 × 2 × 22 cm





Alethia Publications



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